All throughout the Bible we find incredible stories of those who may have been young, but they trusted God to use them to do BIG things for Him! In this series, we are going to learn from some of those incredible kids of the Bible! They didn’t wait until they were adults to change the world! They knew that you are NEVER TOO YOUNG to rock the world for God!
Your kids will learn from Bible Heroes like David, Esther, and Timothy as well as lesser known characters such as Joash, Naaman’s servant girl, and the boy with the five loaves and two fishes. In each of these young heroes, your kids will see that you are NEVER TOO YOUNG to follow God’s plan and change the world!
Lesson 1 - “Be An Example” (Timothy)
Lesson 2 - "Speak Up!” (Naaman's Servant Girl)
Lesson 3 - “Give What You Have” (Boy w/Loaves & Fish)
Lesson 4 - “Take On The Giant” (David & Goliath)
Lesson 5 - “Stand Up For Others” (Esther)
Lesson 6 - “Listen To Godly Advice” (Joash)
"The Spark" Lesson Intro Video segments that introduce each lesson. These videos are hosted by "Jordan & Elliott", two amazing kids; Power Verse Videos featuring "Babyface" (a baby with a not-so-babyface); "Watt's Up?" Video segments featuring SKITTLES, and more. Also includes weekly "Game On!", "Offering Time!", "Brain Drain", and "Rush Rapido" Videos. (BONUS** BLOOPERS VIDEO)
Included in Each Lesson:
PDF and Adobe InDesign files of the entire Leader's Manual to personalize each lesson to your service's needs, graphic art for promo, powerpoint slides, character skits, illustrated messages, Family Devotions, and weekly Small Group Lessons.
This is a DOWNLOAD product ONLY. No physical product option is available.
This is a downloadable ZIP file. Open the file to find the Quicktime video files and all Data files included.
Click HERE for a sample Large Group lesson, Small Group lesson, and Family Devotion.