Have you ever forgotten something really important? Maybe your teacher told you to prepare a Science Project for a big grade. Then, you walked into the classroom on the due date only to realize you FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE PROJECT! That’s a horrible feeling. Forgetting things is not fun. It never turns out well.
There are some very important truths that God wants us to NEVER FORGET! In this series, we look at some of those very important things that God wants us to always remember! This series is hosted by Kevin, a young man who got amnesia and had to go back to Elementary School to learn everything all over again. They gave him the nickname, “Mr. Forgot It All.” These hilarious videos will help your kids remember the lessons they will learn!
The Lessons:
Lesson 1: “It’s Never Too Late For A Miracle!” (Jesus Raises The Widow’s Son From The Dead)
Lesson 2: “Jesus Brings Freedom!” (Jesus Heals A Demon-Possessed Man)
Lesson 3: “Jesus Has Good Plans For You!” (Zacchaeus Climbs A Tree)
Lesson 4: "I Must Bring Others To Jesus!” (Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man)
Lesson 5: “God Is With Me!” (Jesus Calms The Storm)
Lesson 6: “I Am Forgiven!” (Thief On The Cross)
Lesson 7: “When I Honor Authority, I Am Blessed!" (Jesus & The Centurion)
Lesson 8: “I Must Care For Others!” (Two Blind Beggars)
This curriculum includes:
Included are Quicktime Videos of “The Spark” Intro Video segments featuring “Mr. Forgot It All” and his tutor, Tony, the Power Verse Videos featuring Trivia Tracy, and “Watts Up?” Videos featuring “Skittles”. We have included several “Video Bumpers” to be used as transitions to each segment of the service (“Game On!”, “Offering”, and “Brain Drain”).
Included in Each Lesson:
Each lesson includes a character skit, Bible Story (with comic book style illustrated graphics), game, object lessons, Illustrated "Call To Action" Message, Family Devotion (take-home), “Small Group Experience,” and Kid Take-Home Activity Page. Each lesson is jam-packed with material that is fully customizable.
This is a DOWNLOAD product ONLY. No physical product option is available.
This is a downloadable ZIP file. Open the file to find the Quicktime video files and all Data files included.
Click HERE for a sample Large Group lesson, Small Group Lesson, and Family Devo.