We live in a world full of sickness, death, and disease. This is a result of the original sin by Adam and Eve. Since then, sickness and death have been wreaking havoc on our world and its people. But that was not God’s plan from the beginning. Once sickness and death arrived, He set another plan in place.
Jesus, our Healer, came to give us life - full and more abundant life. He took the stripes on His back, and His body was broken for our healing. He did many miracles when He was on Earth, but He continues to heal even now.
In this series, the children will learn about some of the most amazing miracles of healing from the Bible. They will also learn that God is still in the healing and miracles business. We pray that your children receive physical, spiritual, and emotional healing as they journey through this series!
Lesson 1: "Does God Still Heal?"
Lesson 2: "Is God Too Busy To Heal Me?"
Lesson 3: "Is There A Certain Way I Will Be Healed?"
Lesson 4: "Is It Too Late For My Miracle?"
Lesson 5: "Do I Deserve To Be Healed?"
Click HERE for a sample lesson.
This series includes:
Included are Quicktime Videos of the Preschool Intro Video segments featuring Dani and Simon along with Bible Story Videos with graphics, music, and sound effects. Also includes a 5-Minute Video Countdown to be used at the beginning of each lesson.
Each lesson includes a Bible Story script (with graphics to put on screen or print), Hands-On Learning segment, multiple craft options, Family Devotion, plus graphic art for promo.
This is a DOWNLOAD product ONLY. No physical product option is available.
This is a downloadable ZIP file. Open the file to find the Quicktime video files and all Data files included.
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