Click HERE for the entire Year 1 Scope and Sequence!
"Year 1 Bundle" includes DIGITAL DOWNLOADS of the following series :
In this lesson, your kids will hear the story of that first Christmas Day and how the shepherds were invited to the manger where Jesus was laid. How awesome it is that God sent His son not only to the important people…but to ALL people. What an amazing Christmas Gift! Jesus, the Son of God. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
In this lesson, the children are going to learn that Jesus is THE most important piece of the puzzle of their lives. Best of all, Jesus is a LIVING Savior who rose from the dead on Easter! His power in us will make our lives everything they were meant to be!
In this lesson, the children will learn through the story of Daniel and his “special diet” that, as Christians, we must choose to let only the things that are wholesome and helpful get into our minds and hearts. If we aren’t careful, we could end up feeding our “flesh” and choking out our “spiritual man.”
In this series, we will be studying some of the most well-known parables that Jesus told during His earthly ministry. We will not just be looking at the stories on the surface. We will be diving deeper to discover the spiritual significance of each story.
We hope you enjoy this amazing journey into some of the greatest stories ever told!
Lesson 1: “The Pharisee & The Tax Collector”
Lesson 2: “The Great Banquet”
Lesson 3: “The Lost Sheep”
Lesson 4: “The Parable of the Talents”
Lesson 5: “The Rich Fool”
Lesson 6: “The Good Samaritan”
In this series, the children will learn that worship is about expressing to God the love and adoration He deserves. That can be done through a song, but it can also be done in many other ways.
Through the story of King David and his experience with the Ark of the Covenant, the children will learn that the presence of God is a wonderful place to be. There is great blessing in God’s presence.
Lesson 1: “The Presence of God”
Lesson 2: “Whatever It Takes”
Lesson 3: “More Than A Song”
Trouble is something that we will all find ourselves in. The question is - what will we do when we find ourselves in trouble?
In this series, the children will learn that although life is full of trouble, we can call on our faithful God for help! He always hears us when we call out to Him, and He always answers our call!
Lesson 1: God Is Faithful
Lesson 2: I'm Not Alone
Lesson 3: Have Patience
Lesson 4: Shelter From The Storm
Lesson 5: His Strength is Perfect
Lesson 6: It's Not Fair!
Lesson 7: I Can Do
Lesson 8: Open Your Eyes
In this series, your children are going to learn all about many powerful promises God has made in His Word. They are promises that fill us with power to live for God through good times and bad. And He has NEVER broken a single one of those promises...and He NEVER will.
I hope your children enjoy learning these lessons about some of God’s most amazing POWER PROMISES!
Lesson 1: Jesus Never Changes
Lesson 2: I Need Wisdom
Lesson 3: Resist The Devil
Lesson 4: Happy In Heaven
Lesson 5: Jesus Brings Freedom
Lesson 6: God, Are You There?
In this series, the children will learn all about how to win at the game of life by trusting God’s Game Plan. By following His plans step by step and day by day, they will find that they won’t just survive...they will WIN!
Lesson 1: God's Good Plans
Lesson 2: No More Darkness
Lesson 3: In God We Trust
Lesson 4: SREAL Life
Lesson 5: God's Plan For Our Nation
Lesson 6: Turn It Around
Lesson 7: Training For God
Lesson 8: The Desires Of Your Heart"
There’s an old song that says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one!’ That’s exactly what we are going to do in this series. Each lesson, we will focus in on a different blessing that God has given to His children. The goal is to create a thankful heart in each one of your kids.
Let’s never be guilty of taking God’s blessings for granted. Let’s celebrate the fact that, as God’s children, we are truly BLESSED!
Lesson 1: Blessed To Be A Blessing (A Boy Shares His Lunch; John 6:5-14)
Lesson 2: I Am Healed (Jesus Heals A Deaf Man; Mark 7:31-37)
Lesson 3: Total Protection (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; Daniel 3)
Lesson 4: Salvation (Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch; Acts 8:26-40)
Lesson 5: Answered Prayer (Hannah Receives A Blessing; 1 Samuel 1)
Lesson 6: The Holy Spirit (Jesus Promises The Holy Spirit; Acts 1-2)
In this series, we have chosen many of the best battle stories in the Bible to help teach lessons we all can learn about living a life of victory over Satan, over sin, and over all of the enemies life throws at us. We hope your children enjoy learning these lessons of victory in the BATTLE ZONE!
Lesson 1: Worth The Risk
Lesson 2: Don't Lift Your Sword, Lift Your Hands
Lesson 3: Shout Of Victory
Lesson 4: Now What?
Lesson 5: Waiting On God
Lesson 6: Spies Like Us
Lesson 7: Pep Talk
Lesson 8: Too Sad To Fight
In this series, the children will learn that EVERY soul matters to God - not just people who are like them or people they like, but EVERYONE!
Choosing to love only certain people or only sharing Jesus with SOME people is completely unacceptable. Christians must treat everyone the same. If every soul matters to God, every soul should matter to us!
Lesson 1: Every Soul
Lesson 2: What Does It Matter?
Lesson 3: What Can I Do?