The book of Galatians is one of the letters that Paul wrote to one of the early churches. This particular letter found Paul addressing some very important life issues. He asks some pointed questions that help expose issues in the lives of the listeners.
In this series, we focus on three of those questions. These 3 Questions are ones we should continually ask ourselves. We pray that your kids learn some valuable lessons by studying the book of Galatians.
The Lessons:
Lesson 1 - “Who Am I Trying To Please?”
Lesson 2 - "Whose Power Am I Depending On?”
Lesson 3 - “What Is A True Friend?”
This curriculum includes:
"The Spark" Lesson Intro Video segments that introduce each lesson; Power Verse Videos; "Watt's Up?" Video segments featuring SKITTLES, and more. Also includes weekly "Game On!", "Offering Time!", and "Brain Drain". (BONUS** BLOOPERS VIDEO)
Included in Each Lesson:
PDF and Adobe InDesign files of the entire Leader's Manual to personalize each lesson to your service's needs, graphic art for promo, power point slides, character skits, illustrated messages, Family Devotions, and weekly Small Group Lessons.
This is a DOWNLOAD product ONLY. No physical product option is available.
This is a downloadable ZIP file. Open the file to find the Quicktime video files and all Data files included.