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The Price Is Right


  • The Price Is Right (Easter Lesson)

Bible Stories

  • Jesus Is Resurrected (Luke 23:50-24:12)

Power Verses

  • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Single lesson

High Voltage Kids Ministry


Have you ever seen an auction item go for an incredible amount of money?  From baseball cards selling for thousands to pieces of art selling for millions of dollars, it is amazing to see how much certain items are worth.

Have you ever wondered how much you are worth?  Too many children believe they really aren’t worth much.  But God says differently! 

The only way to tell what an item is worth is by seeing what someone else is willing to pay for it.  Well, God thought you were worth the life of His Son.  He sent Jesus to pay the price to redeem your soul.

In this lesson, the children will learn from the story of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection that Jesus paid the price for their salvation.  Because He lives, we can have new life as well!

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High Voltage Kids Ministry