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3 Lessons on the Nature of God


  • God's love is limitless
  • God's power is limitless
  • God's reach is limitless

Bible Stories

  • Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
  • The Guardian Owl (Missions Story)
  • Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10:1-33)

Power Verses

  • John 3:16
  • Matthew 19:26
  • Matthew 28:19

Lessons 1-2

Lessons 3 & Misc

High Voltage Kids Ministry


We serve a LIMITLESS God!  He is sees all, knows all, and is the ruler over all!  He was, is, and always will be!

God’s love knows no bounds!  In Ephesians 3:18, the Bible speaks of how we should try to comprehend “the width and length and height and depth” of God’s love — a love that is truly LIMITLESS.  God’s limitless nature is not only reflected in His love, but also in His reach and His power.  That’s what we want children to understand in this series!

Just like John 3:16 declares that “God so loved the world” — without exceptions, without boundaries — we aim to instill in every child the awe-inspiring understanding that God’s love reaches all corners of the Earth and beyond.  His power is LIMITLESS, capable of doing far more than we can ever think or imagine.

During this series, the children will learn from various Bible stories and activities that demonstrate God’s limitless love, reach, and power.  Through these meaningful lessons, we hope to equip them with the understanding that with God, all things are possible.

We hope this series will embolden your children to walk through life with a heart full of faith, knowing that they serve a God who is not constrained by limitations.  As we teach them about the boundless aspects of God, we are also preparing them to spread God’s LIMITLESS love to the people around them - and around the world.

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High Voltage Kids Ministry