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The Price Is Right

High Voltage Kids Ministry

Have you ever seen an auction item go for an incredible amount of money?  From baseball cards selling for thousands to pieces of art selling for millions of dollars, it is amazing to see how much certain items are worth. Have you ever wondered how much you are worth?  Too many children believe they really

The Price Is Right

High Voltage Kids Ministry

Have you ever seen an auction item go for an incredible amount of money?  From baseball cards selling for thousands to pieces of art selling for millions of dollars, it is amazing to see how much certain items are worth. Have you ever wondered how much you are worth?  Too many children believe they really


High Voltage Kids Ministry

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish”? This is an important lesson for each of us to remember. There is nothing worse than starting something and not finishing. God knows this, too! He is always faithful to finish the good work He starts in our lives. It’s


High Voltage Kids Ministry

Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s not how you start; it’s how you finish”? This is an important lesson for each of us to remember. There is nothing worse than starting something and not finishing. God knows this, too! He is always faithful to finish the good work He starts in our lives. It’s


High Voltage Kids Ministry

Jesus had a group of people who did not like Him very much - the Pharisees. The Pharisees were constantly trying to come up with riddles, questions, and other tricks to trap Jesus in His own words. The Pharisees asked Jesus, “What is the greatest commandment?”  They hoped to trick Jesus into giving an answer


High Voltage Kids Ministry

Jesus had a group of people who did not like Him very much - the Pharisees. The Pharisees were constantly trying to come up with riddles, questions, and other tricks to trap Jesus in His own words. The Pharisees asked Jesus, “What is the greatest commandment?”  They hoped to trick Jesus into giving an answer

Game Over

High Voltage Kids Ministry

We’ve all been in situations that seemed totally hopeless. No way out. No hope at all. It’s “GAME OVER!” The disciples thought it was “GAME OVER” when Jesus was nailed to a cross. They assumed any idea of Jesus setting up His Kingdom here on Earth was nothing more than a dead dream.  But God

Game Over

High Voltage Kids Ministry

We’ve all been in situations that seemed totally hopeless. No way out. No hope at all. It’s “GAME OVER!” The disciples thought it was “GAME OVER” when Jesus was nailed to a cross. They assumed any idea of Jesus setting up His Kingdom here on Earth was nothing more than a dead dream.  But God

The Missing Piece

High Voltage Kids Ministry

It can be really frustrating when you realize there is a missing piece to a puzzle you are working on.  But, life is full of people who are walking around with a missing piece from their lives.  In fact, this missing piece is THE MOST IMPORTANT piece that any of us can have in our lives.  The missing piece

The Missing Piece

High Voltage Kids Ministry

It can be really frustrating when you realize there is a missing piece to a puzzle you are working on.  But, life is full of people who are walking around with a missing piece from their lives.  In fact, this missing piece is THE MOST IMPORTANT piece that any of us can have in our lives.  The missing piece

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High Voltage Kids Ministry